Xperia™ T2 Ultra 規格 | 6 吋輕觸螢幕 - Sony Smartphones (香港) 了解 Sony Xperia T2 Ultra。這 Android 智能手機的規格包括 NFC 無線技術、6 吋高清顯示屏及其他功能。 ... 相機及影片 13 百萬像素相機,配備脈衝式 LED 閃光燈及自動對焦功能 連拍模式 HDR 相片/影像技術 16 倍數碼變焦
Xperia Z: Burst Mode picture quality better than Normal Mode | Xperia Blog the pictures i take with my xperia z since i got it are bad! hdr on or off! the pictures over way too compressed and sharp. when you zoom in, its like someone has made a mess of an oil painting! this is a serious issue and i can’t even take pictures with
Xperia ZR : Xperia™ Smartphones : Smartphones : Sony India Experience filming underwater in Full HD. The new waterproof* smartphone from Sony ... Features Waterproof*, dust and scratch resistant (IP55 / IP58) 4.55 (11.7 cm) HD Reality Display with Mobile BRAVIA® Engine 2 13.1MP fast capture camera with Exmor ...
Stamina mode for Xperia V? / Battery drains fast. - Page 3 - Support ... 31 Jul 2013 ... "With such powerful functionality, the Xperia V also comes with Sony's unique Battery STAMINA Mode, a feature that can increase standby time ...
[Q] Xperia V - "STAMINA MODE" - XDA-Developers Xperia V - "STAMINA mode" alternative Please, can you recommend me any app that works on the same principle as a real STAMINA MODE?
[PORT] Battery STAMINA Mode | Sony Xperia T, TL, TX, V | XDA ... I am now porting Battery Stamina Mode directly from Xperia Z, soon updating thread with info! :fingers-crossed: The reason why I posted thread ...
[Q] Xperia V - "STAMINA MODE" - XDA-Developers As I wrote - I sent HANGOUT message, not SMS. SMS works normally in Stamina mode enabled. I have another SONY phone with built-in ...
Xperia V (LT25i) STAMINA省電模式- Sony 手機討論區- Android 台灣中 ... 各位大大能提供一下STAMINA省電模式給我嗎感恩P.S 我剛刷了recovery 有什麽 值得刷的嗎,Sony 手機討論區,Android 台灣中文網.
Stamina mode for Xperia V? / Battery drains fast. - Support forum 12 Jan 2013 ... "With such powerful functionality, the Xperia V also comes with Sony's unique Battery STAMINA Mode, a feature that can increase standby time ...
Xperia Stamina Mode LED - Google Play Android 應用程式 This Xposed module restore LED functionality of Xperia devices when Stamina mode is enabled. Normally, when enabled, Stamina mode either disable the ...